Our Vision:


Devotion. Community. Mission.


You'll hear us talk a lot about our core values in Chi Alpha. These are the things we strive to make real in our everyday lives. It's who we want to be as a community and as individuals.


Real Devotion.
Spirituality isn't just knowing things about God, but learning to love, trust, and encounter God. In that sense, true spirituality is less like a subject to be studied and more like a relationship to be experienced. We want our hearts and minds to be captivated by Jesus. 

Real Community.
Our world is very connected, yet never have people felt so alone. Real spirituality should connect us more deeply to the people around us. We want our beliefs to be lived out in meaningful, authentic, and intentional relationships with each other. Chi Alpha is a multi-ethnic and diverse community, but we're united by our passion to know Jesus.


Real Mission.
True spirituality is not just a set of beliefs, but a way of life. In that sense we're concerned not only about what we believe, but even more so about how we live. Real spirituality involves rolling up our sleeves, getting our hands dirty, and revealing God's love and healing to the world. We want to impact students, our campus, and our world with the Good News of Jesus.
